Crystal structure and types of solids- Crystalline solids and Amorphous solids

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Crytal structure 

It is description of ordered arrangement of atom, ions & molecules in a crystalline material.
State of matter
There are 5 states of matter in the world
1. Solid
2. Liquid
3. Gas
4. Plasma
5. Base-Einstein condensate

In 1924. Albert Einstein & Satyandra nath base predicted this BEC & it was refered as the 5th state of matter. BEC is a state of matter of a dilute gas of  bosons cooled to temperature very close to absolute to zero.
2.Liquid:- It is a nearly compressible fluid that confirms to the shape of its container but retains a constant volume independent of pressure. It is the only state with a defined volume but no fixed shape.
3. Gas:- It is a substance of matter in a state in which it will expand freely to fill the wall of container having no fixed shape a pure gas may be made up of individual atom. Example- noble gas like neon. Elemental molecules mase from one type of atom. Example:- oxygen. Or compound molecules made from a variety of atom Example:- carbon dioxide.
4. Plasma:- Plasma is a hot ionized gas consisting of approximately equal no. of positively charge ion & negative charged electron. It is considered as the 4th state of matter because the characteristics of plasma  are significance different from those of ordinary neutral gas.
Crytal structure

Types of solids

1. Crystalline solid
2. Amorphous solid
1. Crystalline solid:- The solid in which the constituent  particle of  matter are arrangement and organized  in a specific manner. These solids contain crystal in their structure and each crystal has definite geometry. All most solids fall in the category of crystalline solid having metallic elements (sulphur and iodine). Example:- sugar, mica, diamond etc.
NOTE:- Crystalline solids are low energy states and amorphous solids are high energy state.

2. Amorphous solid:- The solid in which the constituent particle of matter are arrange in a different manner. It is a non-crystalline solid with no proper arrangement of atom in a solid lattice. One of the most common example of amorphous solids is glass, which is used widely in the manufacturing sector.
Example:- plastic,glass,rubber etc.
Amorphous solids are isotrophic and it is due to the properties will be independent of the direction in which they are measured.

Difference between Crystalline solid and Amorphous solid

Crystalline solid:- 1. The solid in which the constituent  particle of  matter are arrangement and organized  in a specific manner.
2. It melts at fixed temperature.
3. The arrangement of constituent particle is regular.
4. Crystalline solid are regular and definite shape.
5. When cut, two smooth & plain piece are obtained.
6. Definite heat of fusion.
7. They are true solids.
8. They are anisotropic
9. They possess symmetry and interfacial angles.
10.  Example:- sugar, mica, diamond etc.

Amorphous solid 1. The solid in which the constituent particle of matter are arrange in a different manner.
2.It melts steadily over range of temperature.
3. The arrangement of constituent particle is irregular.
4. Amorphous solid are irregular shape in nature.
5. When cut two surface irregular shape is obtained.
6. Indefinite heat of fusion.
7. They are pesudo solid.
8. They are isotropic.
9. They do not possess symmetry and interfacial angles.
10. Example:- plastic,glass,rubber etc.


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