Meiosis and Mitosis
Mitosis:- Mitosis is also called somatic cell division and equational division.· chromosome number is kept constant in daughter cells.
·Two daughter cells are formed from parent cell.
It consists of following phase
Interphase:- It consist of period of growth and development between cell division. it is further divided into three phase.
G1 phase:- First gap phase / first growth phase: It involve synthesis of protein and RNA chromatin is fully extended during the phase.
S-phase:- synthetic phase: Replication of DNA and synthesis of histone occur.
G2 Phase:- second gap / growth phase:
Synthesis of RNA and protein continues which is required for cell growth.
M-phase:- Mitotic phase for the consist of two parts
1:- karyokinesis ( nuclear division).
2:- cytokinesis (division of cytoplasm)
1. karyokinesis:- It is further divided into four phase:
(A) Prophase:- Nuclear membrane disintegrate -nucleolus disappear
- chromatin fibre condenses to form chromosomes
-spindle Apparatus forms.
(B) Metaphase:- Chromosome arrange themselves at the equator of the spindle apparatus.
(C) Anaphase:- Each centromerc split so that two sister chromatid have their own centromerc.
- sister chromatid move towards opposite pole and maybe V-shaped or J- shaped.
(D) Telophase:- sister chromatid reach the opposite poles.
-At each pole, chromosome get surrounded by new nuclear membrane.
- Nucleolus is reformed.
- Chromosome decondense to form chromatin.
significance of mitosis
Mitosis has the following significance of a living organism:
1. The mitosis helps the cell in maintaining power size.
2. It help in the maintenance of an equilibrium in the amount of a DNA and RNA in the cell.
3. The mitosis provide the opportunity for the growth and development to organs and the body of the organisms.
4. The old decaying and dead cells of body are replaced by the help of mitosis.
5. In certain organism, The mitosis is involved in asexual Reproduction.
6. The gonads and the sex cells depend on the mitosis for the increase in their number.
Meiosis:- Meiosis is a special type of a division in which chromosome duplicate only once, but cell divides twice.So one parent cell produce four daughter cell,each having half the chromosome number and DNA meiosis is called the reductional division. it comprises of two divisions meiosis 1 and meiosis 2
Meiosis-1:- It also called reductional division because it involve formation of two daughter cells which have chromosome number half to those in parents cell. It is divided into two parts:
Karyokinesis:- It involves division of nucleus and is further divided into four phase:
Prophase-1:- It is of longest duration and again divisible into 5 subspace:
(A) leptotene: thin-thread stage chromosome appear thin, uncoiled and elongated and formation of aster occur.
(B) zygotene:- pairing of homologous chromosome ie synapsis occur to form bivalent (one paternal and one meternal chromosome)
- synapsis occur with the help of synaptonemol complex (formed nucleoprotein)
(C) Pachytene :- Crossing over occur ie two non-sister chromatid exchange their parts. the point where crossing over occur are called chiasmata.
(D) Diplotene:- Synaptonanal Complex dissolve.
- Desynapsis of homologous chromosome begin.
- Terminal occurs ie chismata start moving towards the end of chromosomes.
(E). Diakinesis:- Terminalisation is completed - nuclear membrane and nucleolus disappear. -formation of a spindle occur.
Metaphase-1:- bivalent arrange themselves into parallel equatorial/metaphase plates.
- centromercs of homologous chromosome lie equidistant from equator.
Anaphase-1:- Homologous chromosome start moving towards opposite poles. disjunction of chromosome occur.
-Nuclear membrane and nucleolus form at each pole.
-spindle fibre disappear.
2. cytokinesis-1:- May or may not occur.
-Occur by cell furrow formation in animal cells. -cell plate formation in plant cells.
It is also called the equational division number of chromosome remains same after meiosis-1further divided into two parts
1. Karyokinesis-2:- It involve separation of two chromatid X1/2 of each chromosome and their movements to separate cells divide into four phases:
(A) Prophase-2:- Nuclear membrane disintegrates, nucleolus disappears. chromatin fibre condense from chromosome. -formation of Aster.
(B) Metaphase-2:- Arrangement of chromosome at the equator of spindle apparatus. Centromercs lie at the equator while arms are directed towards poles.
(C) Anaphase-2:-
Splitting of centromerc of each chromosome and movement of a chromatid toward opposite pole.
(D) Telophase-2:- Formation of a Daughter nucleus at each pole, nucleolus appear in each nucleus.
- spindle fibre disappear.
significance of meiosis
1:- Produce haploid gametes for reproduction. 2:- Maintain constant chromosome number generation after generation.3:- Crossing over in a source of variation.
4:- Non-disjunction is also a source of variatiae.